A privileged place
Thanks to its situation and the local climate the province of Cádiz provides a privileged location for surfing. There are many suitable spots up and down the coast, but, without doubt, El Palmar and los Caños de Meca are the best known thanks to their consistently good conditions throughout most of the year with a variety of waves with beach- and point-breaks.

El Palmar
The best known spot for surfing, and the place that we call home. It is said to have the most consistent waves of the whole of Andalucía, with waves breaking both left and right onto a sandy beach.
Los Caños de Meca
Los Caños itself features a variety of different spots with unique waves, such as “La pequeña Lulú”, the Pirate, the lighthouse, and, best known of all, the wave of the apartments.
This is a classic point break that breaks left over a bed of rock with waves of an average length ranging from 100-300 meters.

La Fontanilla
Located in Conil de la Frontera, without a specific type of break, whose waves break against the sandy beach. Best in winter.
La Hierbabuena
The waves break over a rocky bottom to the right and have the longest travel in Andalucía–even the whole of Spain.

Fun waves that break both left and right, anywhere from half a metre to 3 metres high.